
For latest information call Healthline 0800 611 116


COVID-19 in practice

COVID-19 is now considered endemic to New Zealand and is managed symptomatically.
For more information go to Health Information Services 
To protect our immune compromised staff and patients, we ask that you make our staff aware and wear a mask if you have any of the following symptoms:
Coughing and/or  sneezing
Flu-like symptoms
Gastric symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea
Please call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for advice about COVID.

COVID-19 vaccine and Testing

Free COVID-19 vaccinations
Including funded administration of the COVID-19 vaccine will remain available to those who meet eligibility criteria. We are currently experiencing higher incidence of COVID in the community – vaccination is still the best prevention.

We encourage you to keep a supply of RAT tests on hand for you and your whanau. You can pick them up free of charge whenever you are in the clinic or at your local pharmacy provided you are Covid-19 symptom free, or call our team on 04 293 6005 to arrange pickup (if symptomatic for Covid-19).


MyIndici is an easy, fast, and confidential way for you to keep in touch with us. Managing your health care online gives you the power to stay on top of your health anytime, anywhere.

With MyIndici, you can:

  • Book and cancel appointments with your GP
  • Check your recalls (what health services you are due for)

  • Order repeat prescriptions

  • Quickly view your test results, medical history, immunisation history, current medications list and allergies.

  • Send confidential, non-urgent messages to us.

  • Receive personal health information and internet links relating to your condition.

Register for MyIndici


If you wish to register, please fill in the details below. We will then contact you via text or email with your password and give you further instructions to follow.

Having trouble with MyIndici?

Are you have trouble using MyIndici? Have someone from our team call you to help.